Saturday, February 29, 2020

Advertising Designed To Differentiate Remind Inform And Persuade Marketing Essay

Advertising Designed To Differentiate Remind Inform And Persuade Marketing Essay Advertising is one part of the promotional mix, and therefore advertising objectives will be set in line with overall Promotional and Marketing Objectives, which in turn will relate to the organizations’ overall Corporate Objectives. In general, however, there are three main categories of advertising objectives a business might set itself in terms of whether it seeks to Inform, Persuade or Remind the target audience. Types of advertisement: Inform: Informative advertising, seeks to tell the market about the product, explain how the product works, provide information on pricing, and build awareness of both the product and the company. Such objectives are normally pursued at the launch of a new product, or re-launch / up-date of an existing product. It’s the product of Pepsi Company and wants to inform people about it. Presenting different taste and verity of the product in daily print & Electronic media to influence people towards product. Persuade: Here objectives are to encourage the target audience to switch brands, make the purchase, and create a preference in the market for the product as opposed to its competition. Advertising of this nature is required in highly competitive markets, where a range of products compete directly with each other. In such circumstances businesses often seek to differentiate their product through Comparison Advertising – either directly or indirectly comparing its product to that of its competitors. Here Nestle Pakistan wants to inform public about the price of Product NIDO Price. That its price 39 rupees per liter and also persuade that it is low price then market price as well as grater Quality. Their target market is for product children’s. Remind: Reminder Advertising is used to maintain interest and awareness of a well established product in the market, often in the latter stages of its product life cycle. It is often used at the Point-of-Purchase to remind consumers of the Brand. Such advertisi ng is used by the likes of Coca-Cola and other leading brands, to maintain their position in the market. Nestle Yogurt is well know product of Nestle Pakistan, they advertise just remind people about the product. P-5: Evaluate appropriate uses and applications for advertising in two given situations. Uses of advertisement: Advertisements are used to tell the audience what products you are selling, services you provide and the type of business you do such as whether your business provides finance company loan services for purchasers. Advertisements may be used to notify the public of the date and venue of an event. They inform consumers of what is available with a view to get the customers into the store and make sales. Other Uses are Corporate Communications Incentive Programs Multi-State Marketing Campaigns Multifunction/Department Management Regional Markets Prominent Client List Strategic Advertising Account Marketing/Sales Vendor Research & Selection Strong Customer Relations Print/Newspaper Trends Marketing Program Execution Uses in Reminding: Brief messages designed chiefly to keep a product in the mind of the consumer once the product is already familiar. Reminder advertising usually follows an extensive advertising campaign, and therefore does not elaborate on the reasons to buy the product. Common examples of reminder advertisements are those found on matchbooks and pencils and in skywriting, as well as the more traditional media vehicles. Advertising designed to remind consumers of the benefits of a product or service, or of their current need for those benefits. For instance, the XYZ Company may seek to remind consumers of their need for XYZ anti-freeze when the weather begins to turn cold.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

English as a global langurage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

English as a global langurage - Essay Example Every country has a first spoken language. There is French for people from France, German for people from Germany and Spanish from people from Spain. Other countries even have dialects as part of their language, like how the Philippines has Filipino as the national language, and dialects specialized in regional locations in the country. For many years, civilization from around the world developed with their own unique languages because throughout history language was equated to geographical territory-land (The Language Situation of Today’s World). Who we are roots from where we come from, and with the cultural richness of our upbringing comes the language we speak. In this sense, it would be very important to value local dialects and languages of all forms because it simple reminds us of how we see and present ourselves to the word (Crystal, 1997). These two language functions of intelligibility and identity presented by David Crystal tell us about the conflict raised in the i nterest we build when it comes to our world languages. In today’s modern age of technological advancement and booming globalization, the English language has entered or even dominated different countries from across the globe. It would be best to discuss the positive and negative effects of its boom to being the world’s global language. ... Having a common language provides a positive avenue for healthy relationships across nations and it even provides employment for a lot of people from different parts of the world. China is known to be one of the biggest and most powerful nations in the world aside from the US and the UK. English is now viewed as â€Å"the gatekeeper† to their higher education, employment, economic prosperity and social status. It has recently faced controversies when it comes to putting English in the pedestal over other local dialects and languages in the country (Qiang and Wolff). Many Chinese dialects has become marginalized, forgotten or totally banished in the country. The Chinese Academy is just one of the many educational institutions that have English as a required course in their curriculum. With this said, when a student fails to reach the standards on English proficiency will fail to receive his diploma as well. It has become a competitive part of the work force wherein despite the minimal chances of using the language in the comfort of the nation’s corporate territory, employees put extra effort in learning the language as it is a pre- condition for promotion. Furthermore, China has made English its unofficial second language. An estimated 150,000 foreign English as Foreign Language (EFL) teachers and more than 1,000,000 Chinese English teachers are now educating more than 600,000,000 Chinese students (Qiang and Wolff). With effects to do world’s biggest populated country as proof, English has long secured its status as a global language in the 20th century. All these are under the reason of its strong acting force in facilitating globalization. China only complied with the growing

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Communication Infrastructure and how it was affeted by Huricane Term Paper

Communication Infrastructure and how it was affeted by Huricane Katrina - Term Paper Example The national communication policy focuses much on the improvement on all the communication services so that everybody is served as fast as possible with the aim of improving the relation and the connection between individuals in different places. In order to achieve this, the national communication policy has placed more emphasis on the service providers to ensure that they restructure their services to meet the future challenges in communication sector. The policy recognizes that the role played by the communication system is vital since it affects the whole economy and hence most government policies would be based on the ICT policies (World Bank Group, 2002). The role played by the ICT is very important in all the other sectors of the economy since any effect in the communication sector results into the direct or the indirect effect on the other sectors of the economy. This can be either direct like in the E-commerce and the companies that have multinational operations may also be affected. It is therefore the role of the government to formulate those policies that aims at improving the communication systems. The communication policies also provide for the response to the disasters such that of Hurricane Katrina. There is the local mobilization of the resources by the local authorities as well as the federal so as to ensure that response is done as faster as possible to safeguard the national infrastructure against the disasters (Johnson & Turner, 2002). The military may also assist in the times of disasters though there is no direct integration of the military efforts within the communication policies. As a result, the military often join the rescue teams and the first responders as the second responders in disasters like hurricane Katrina. In order for the government to ensure that all these policies are harmonized and all the players in the sector are treated fairly, the government has established a regulatory authority to look into the conflicts and also to regulate the communication sector. The communications regulatory authority plays a vital role in regulating the telecommunications, radio and television frequency spectrum, posts and other communication careers (Johnson & Turner, 2002). This ensures that communication is effective and efficient and accordance with the law. Regulatory authority also protects the customer, service providers as well as other people involve in communication industry. It is the role of the regulatory authority to ensure that all the communication systems are in line with the modern technology and hence helps the customer to link with others in the international scene. The provision of radio and television spectrums is important since they ensure there is no mix up in the communication from the many providers. In trade, the communication regulatory authority also assist the businesses by identification of the barriers to trade and hence formulate policies that would ensue free and ease of movement of g oods and services from one region to another (Johnson & Turner, 2002). The investments from other nations as well as from domestic are regulated by the communication regulatory authority. In this way, it formulates and implements a policy that does not only make communication easy, but also provide opportunities for trade. Increasing Security and Protection Communication plays an important aspect in the development of